Thanks to lots of nice people on Ravelry my little stash of scratchy wool for the kids to feel blossomed into a myriad of fibers. It was adorable to watch them rub things on their cheeks or stick their noses in the bags and sniff. I think there must be a budding spinner in the mix because he loved that lanolin smell and would not pass the bag. He just kept inhaling. They loved unraveling a silk cocoon and couldn't believe that it kept on going and didn't even look like we'd made a dent in it.

I also brought along my niddy noddy and swift and skein winder so they hand more hands on activities.
In our next class they get to assemble cd drop spindles, thigh spin with alpaca and spin a little more on the spinning wheel with me. Then we'll braid all their fibers together so they can make a bracelet.
Their teacher is great and she has some skeins I spun that they are going to do natural dyeing with. All the parents are collecting onion skins for them.
It was so much fun. I think I may have enjoyed it more than the kids. I was so surprised when an hour had flown by and we didn't have any melt downs. The kids stayed pretty focused the whole time. It's the wonder of wool.